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Specialty Care

Centros de atención médica durante la maternidad

Maternity care helps provide comprehensive support for those who are pregnant. From prenatal care through labor and delivery to postnatal care, doctors work to ensure a healthy, comfortable process for pregnant patients and their babies.

Find Blue Distinction® Centers for Maternity Care

Blue Distinction Centers and Blue Distinction Centers+ for maternity care demonstrate expertise and a commitment to quality care during vaginal and cesarean section deliveries. These centers demonstrate higher patient satisfaction and a lower percentage of early elective deliveries.

Averigüe más acerca de la selection criteria we use to choose Blue Distinction Centers for gene therapy.

Provider Finder

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Puede consultar si hay un Blue Distinction Center en su red o buscar un profesional médico especializado en la red usando Provider Finder, nuestro directorio en línea.

Blue Distinction® Centers for Bariatric Surgery, Blue Distinction® Centers for Cardiac Care, Blue Distinction® Centers for Knee and Hip Replacement, Blue Distinction® Centers for Maternity Care, Blue Distinction® Centers for Spine Surgery, Blue Distinction® Centers for Substance Use Treatment and Recovery and Blue Distinction® Centers for Transplants are a key part of our efforts to work with doctors and facilities to improve the overall quality, and resulting affordability of specialty care.

Aviso: la designación como Blue Distinction Centers implica que la experiencia general y los datos añadidos de estas instalaciones cumplen con los criterios objetivos establecidos en colaboración con las recomendaciones de médicos expertos y organizaciones profesionales líderes. Los resultados individuales pueden variar. Para averiguar qué servicios incluye su póliza en alguno de estos centros, llame al número de Servicio al Cliente que figura en su tarjeta de asegurado de Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma.