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Atención médica

Validación de la información de profesionales médicos

The information in the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma provider directory, Provider Finder®, comes from a variety of sources, often the providers themselves. Some of it may not be verified. La composición de nuestra red de prestadores de servicios médicos está sujeta a cambios sin previo aviso.

Doctor sitting at a computer and smiling.


How Often Is Our Provider Directory Verified and Updated?

The timelines below represent our standard verification cycle. Information in Provider Finder may change in between the verification cycle, and we may not be notified. The information we share is accurate to the best of our knowledge.

Every 90 days:

  • Nombre del profesional
  • Office Location & Phone Number
  • Especialización
  • Nombre del hospital
  • Hospital Location & Phone Number

Every 6 months:

  • Hospital Safety Score

Every 3 years:

  • Afiliaciones a Grupos Médicos
  • Sexo
  • Idiomas Hablados
  • Afiliaciones a Hospitales
  • Certificación de la Junta
  • ¿Acepta pacientes nuevos?
  • Acreditación del hospital

Information Fields

What Information is Included in Our Provider Directory?