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Seguro dental

BlueCare Dental℠ es la elección correcta

La atención médica dental es vital para una buena salud y puede ayudar a evitar problemas de salud más graves. Complete your health care coverage with dental insurance from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma.

paciente dental con dentista compartiendo radiografías

¿Por qué elegir BlueCare Dental?

BlueCare Dental offers you quality, affordable care, and access to the country's largest dental networks.

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Cobertura para los servicios

Our dental plans provide you with coverage for preventive services like oral exams, cleanings and routine x-rays, as well as procedures like fillings, bridges and crowns.

tooth icon

Largest National Network

You'll have access to the largest dental network in the United States. Además, tendrá la libertad de elegir cualquier dentista general o especialista de la red sin necesidad de pedir un referido.

Buscar un dentista
ícono de bienestar dental

Acceso al Centro de Bienestar Dental

Encuentre profesionales de la salud y acceda a herramientas y recursos para mejorar su salud dental. Visite el sitio web del Dental Wellness Center para obtener más información sobre el funcionamiento de la cobertura dental y para buscar un profesional de BlueCare Dental.

Icono de telesalud

Teleodontología disponible

Access to care is important. If an urgent dental issue occurs after hours or when your dentist is unavailable, you may be able to schedule a virtual dental visit.


He aquí por qué necesita un seguro de servicios dentales

Las elecciones importan

Having access to the largest network in America means greater flexibility in choosing a dentist. When an in-network dentist is selected, the network offers negotiated discounts for covered services-which is why networks are so important when choosing a dental plan.

Proteja su bolsillo

Con el seguro dental, los descuentos pueden compensar las primas. We offer an extensive portfolio of plans that give you flexibility in choosing benefits and discounts to lower your cost of dental care each time you use a network dentist.

Preventive Care (Atención médica preventiva)

Catch issues before they get serious. Studies have shown that for every dollar spent on preventive dental care, $8-$50 can be saved in restorative and emergency treatments. Getting care now may prevent costly procedures later!

Salud general

El cuidado dental es vital para su salud general. Research conducted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services suggests that problems with teeth and gums could be associated with other health conditions, including diabetes and heart disease.

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Inicie sesión para administrar su cobertura de servicios dentales

Our secure member portal, Blue Access for MembersSM, is home base for all your health plan information: When you choose us for medical and dental insurance, a single log-in to BAM lets you see your benefits, find a doctor or dentist, check your claims and review your benefits in one place.

Contact our group dental sales team

Ready to Get Started? Let Us Know How We Can Help.

Si usted es un empleador, comuníquese con un representante de cuentas de BCBSOK para obtener detalles sobre nuestra amplia selección de seguros para el cuidado dental.


Artículos sobre servicios dentales para usted