Blue Distinction Specialty Centers
If you have a Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma plan, you may have access to Blue Distinction Centers for specialty care. Blue Distinction Centers demonstrate excellence in patient safety, care and results.

Some Blue Distinction Centers may not be in your network. Log in to your member account to search Provider Finder.
What Are Specialty Care Centers?
First, it helps to know what specialty care is. Specialty care helps treat or manage specific health conditions or concerns. Cardiology, bariatric surgery and maternity care are just a few examples. Specialty care centers and their providers have training and expertise in treating patients with these specific conditions.
With your BCBSOK plan, you may have in-network specialty care options with Blue Distinction Centers or Blue Distinction Centers+.
What are Blue Distinction Centers?
Blue Distinction Centers offer quality care, treatment expertise and better patient results than other in-network options. They are recognized for their expertise in their specialty care fields.
What are Blue Distinction Centers+?
The care offered at Blue Distinction Centers+ is more affordable than Blue Distinction Centers. Blue Distinction Center+ facilities meet all quality requirements for a Blue Distinction Center.
Benefits (Beneficios)
Why Choose a Blue Distinction Center

Quality care
All Blue Distinction Centers have met rigorous guidelines that help place their quality of care above others.
Treatment expertise
You'll know providers at Blue Distinction Centers have gone above and beyond in their specialty field.
Patient safety
The quality of care at Blue Distinction Centers gives peace of mind that you'll receive safe, effective treatment.
Cost savings
When you choose a Blue Distinction Center+, you'll receive the same great quality care at a lower cost.