1 Connected Benefits Study Summary
The results of BCBSOK's Integrated Pharmacy study are the product of a robust analytical exercise. The study was conducted across five markets: Illinois, Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Montana. In aggregate, 545 findings were identified as statistically significant and favorable for carve-in (connected) groups. The study population consisted of 1,530 carve-in groups and 514 carve-out groups, with 2.6M and 4.5M members within each population, respectively, in 2021. The methodology and results of this study have been reviewed and validated by Scott Allen, a credentialed health care actuary who is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries and a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries.
Results may vary and performance may be driven by client-specific benefit design and program engagement.
2 Prime Therapeutics internal data from self-funded ASO book of business client data, 2021. Savings may differ depending on current benefit design.
3 Medication Finder data based on Rx Savings SolutionsTM fiscal year 2021 analysis of members who chose a suggested lower-cost prescription option.
4 Member Rewards - Rx may not be available for all groups.
Prime Therapeutics LLC (Prime) is a pharmacy benefit management company, contracted by BCBSIL to provide pharmacy benefit management and related other services. BCBSIL, al igual que varias compañías y coberturas independientes de Blue Cross and Blue Shield, mantiene una participación en Prime Therapeutics LLC.